This is the blog of Norm Bearrentine, a retired Railroad Engineer whose interests roam widely. How the brain works, human consciousness, free will or the lack there of, and other exciting questions of life are among is interests. His blog posts reflect his thoughts on these and other subjects, as well as readings and his comments on them.
Norm also has done photography and explored other media. The posts are accompanied by his art pieces.
Here is his site's wonderful description.
"When I realized that the idea of god was a joke, I thought that was the end of the story. Later I found that Christianity had shaped my values, and while some were worth keeping, many had lost their foundation—the meaning of life, for example. Something similar happened when I realized that the idea of free will was a joke, and I’ve spent the decades since both those realizations discovering and editing what Julia Galef calls the “orphan beliefs” they left behind. It’s a tricky business, and this blog has been a chronicle of my efforts to puzzle it all out, including reviews of related books. I hope you find it helpful."
- Sidebar Theme
I had been thinking that this simple sidebar theme would serve the content perfectly. The header is in the sidebar and the content drops below the header in mobile devices. It works perfectly for the content.
- Links to Norm's other websites
As a lifelong explorer in the arts and it's many avenues of expression, Norm continues to explore many media options. Links to his other websites can be found at this site.
- Responsive Design
Many people today explore their options on alternate devices. For this reason, all of my websites are built to look good and be readable on all devices whether it is a tablet, a smart phone, a laptop, or a desktop computer.
- Update legacy website from late 1990s
- Update content and navigation to reflect current thoughts
- Provide easy access to the material posted in the blogs
- Move website to new more secure and faster hosting company
- Move content to a more secure and longer lasting WordPress Framework (Genesis)